06 May, 2022

Motivating example

Motivating example

Fabricated data:

  1. a sine wave
  2. a declining linear trend with sine wave overlayed

  • dashed lines represent TRUE process

Simple GLM

\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + x_1\beta_1 \]

dat.lm = lm(y~x, data=dat)
dat2.lm = lm(y~x, data=dat2)
autoplot(list(dat.lm, dat2.lm), which=1)

Simple GLM

\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + x_1\beta_1 \]

    ggpredict(dat.lm, ~x) %>% plot(rawdata=TRUE),
    ggpredict(dat2.lm, ~x) %>% plot(rawdata=TRUE),


\[g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + x_1\beta_1 + x_1^2\beta_2 + x_1^3\beta_3 \]

dat.lm2 = lm(y~x+I(x^2)+I(x^3), data=dat)
dat2.lm2 = lm(y~x+I(x^2)+I(x^3), data=dat2)
autoplot(list(dat.lm2,dat2.lm2), which=1)


\[g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + x_1\beta_1 + x_1^2\beta_2 + x_1^3\beta_3 \]

    ggpredict(dat.lm2, ~x) %>% plot(rawdata=TRUE),
    ggpredict(dat2.lm2, ~x) %>% plot(rawdata=TRUE),

Piecewise regression

  • nominate breakpoint(s) (e.g. 4.2)
  • two separate models

  • abrupt change
    • trajectory
    • uncertainty

Piecewise regression

Can we:

  • force 1st and 2nd derivatives to be the same at breakpoint
  • have multiple breakpoints


Splines defined by basis functions.

\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + \sum^k_{j=1} b_j(x_1)\beta_j \]


\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + \sum^k_{j=1} b_j(x_1)\beta_j \]


\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + \sum^k_{j=1} b_j(x_1)\beta_j \]


## # A tibble: 5 × 5
##   term                          estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##   <chr>                            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)                      1.71      0.300     5.71  8.45e- 7
## 2 bs(x, knots = k, degree = 3)1    2.95      0.600     4.92  1.21e- 5
## 3 bs(x, knots = k, degree = 3)2   -7.49      0.515   -14.5   1.27e-18
## 4 bs(x, knots = k, degree = 3)3   -0.199     0.562    -0.354 7.25e- 1
## 5 bs(x, knots = k, degree = 3)4   -4.66      0.392   -11.9   1.65e-15



  • underfitting vs overfitting


  • explaining (min RSS)
  • reduce bias (prediction error)

Penalise for wiggliness

  • cross validation
  • REML

Generalized Additive Models


\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + \sum^k_{j=1}{b_j(x_1)\beta_j} \]


\[ g(E(y)) = \beta_0 + \sum^k_{j=1}{b_j(x_1)\beta_j} \]

Smoothing penalty (maximize penalized likelihood): \[ 2L(\boldsymbol{\beta}) - \boldsymbol{\lambda} (\boldsymbol{\beta^T}\boldsymbol{S}\boldsymbol{\beta}) \]

Basis functions available in mgcv

Basis function Name Properties
tp Thin plate spline Low rank (far fewer parameters than data), isotropic (equal smoothing in any direction) regression splines
ts Thin plate spline Thin plate spline with penalties on the null space such that it can be shrunk to zero. Useful in combination with by= as this does not penalize the null space.
cr Cubic regression spline Splines with knots spread evenly throughout the covariate domain
cc Cyclic cubic regression spline Cubic regression splines with ends that meet (have the same second order derivatives)
ps Penalized B-spline Allow the distribution of knots to be based on data distribution
cp Cyclic penalized B-spline Penalized B-splines with ends that meet
gp Gaussian process Gaussian process smooths with five sets of correlation structures
mrf() Markov random fields Useful for modelling of discrete space. Uses penalties based on neighbourhood matrices (pairwise distances between discrete locations)

Basis functions available in mgcv

Basis function Name Properties
re Random effects Parametric terms penalized via identity matrices. Equivalent to i.i.d in mixed effects models
fs Factor smooth interaction For single dimension smoothers. Duplicates the basis functions for each level of the categorical covariate, yet uses a single smoothing parameter across all.
sos Splines on the sphere Isotropic 2D splines in spherical space. Useful for large spatial domains.
so Soap film smooths Smooths within polygon boundaries. These are useful for modelling complex spatial areas.

Smoother functions available in mgcv

Smoother definition functions Type Properties
s() General spline smoothers - for multidimensional smooths, assumes that each component are on the same scale as there is only a single smoothing parameter for the smooth
te() Tensor product smooth - smooth functions of numerous covariates that are built as the tensor product of the comprising smooths (and penalties)
- the interaction between numerous terms, each with their own smoothing parameter that penalizes the average wiggliness of that term.
ti() Tensor product interaction smooth - smooths that include only the highest order interactions (exclude the basis functions associated with the main effects of the comprising smooths)
t2() Alternative tensor product smooth with non-overlapping … - creates basis functions and penalties for paired combinations of separate penalized and unpenalized components of each term