This Tutorial has been thrown together a little hastily and is therefore not very well organised - sorry! Graphical features are demonstrated either via tables of properties or as clickable graphics that reveal the required R code. Click on a graphic to reveal/toggle the source code or to navigate to an expanded section.
This tutorial is intended to be viewed sequentially. It begins with the basic ggplot framework and then progressively builds up more and more features as default elements are gradually replaced to yeild more customized graphics.
Having said that, I am going to start with a sort of showcase of graphics which should act as quick navigation to entire sections devoted to the broad series of graphs related to each of the featured graphics. I have intentionally titled each graph according to the main feature it encapsulates rather than any specific functions that are used to produce the features as often a single graphic requires a combination of features and thus functions. Furthermore, the grammar of graphics specifications are sufficiently unfamiliar to many that the relationships between the types of graphical features a researcher wishes to produce and the specific syntax required to achieve the desired result can be difficult to recognise.
Each graphic is intended to encapsulate a broad series of related graph types.
The Grammar of Graphics was first introduced/presented by Wilkinson and Wills (2006) as a new graphics philosophy that laid down a series of rules to govern the production of quantitative graphics. Essentially the proposed graphics infrastructure considers a graphic as comprising a plot (defined by a coordinate system, scales and panelling) over which one or more data layers are applied.
ggplot() + # required
*( # required
geom_data = <DATA>, # required - <DATA> is a data frame
mapping = aes(<MAPPING>), # required - map variables to scales
stat = <STAT>, # optional - map variables to geoms
position = <POSITION>) + # optional - adjustments to overlapping geoms
*() + # optional - specify coordinate system
coord_*() + # optional - visual appearence of scales
scale_*() + # optional - subplots
facet_*() # optional - overal appearence theme_
Each layer is defined as:
The visual aspects of all the graphical features are then governed by themes.
Following a very short example, the next section will largely concentrate on describing each of the above graphical components. Having then established the workings of these components, we can then put them together to yield specific graphics.
Hadley Wickham’s interpretation of these principals in an R context is implimented via the ggplot2
package. In addition the following packages are also commonly used alongside ggplot so as to expand on the flexibility etc.
- which is actually a collection of packages that make up the tidyverse ecosystem.To help illustrate graphical routines and techniques, this tutorial will make use of a number of data sets - most of which are distributed with base R or else one of the tidyverse
_packages. The first of these motivating datasets is a built in data set (BOD
) that records temporal changes (days) in biochemical oxygen demand (mg/l).
The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) data set comprises of just two variables (demand
: a numeric vector representing biochemical oxygen demand (mg/l) and Time
: a numeric vector representing the time associated with the demand measurement). It was originally published in a master thesis in the late 1960’s and has since become a standard example data set on which to demonstrate various statistical techniques.
## Time demand
## 1 1 8.3
## 2 2 10.3
## 3 3 19.0
## 4 4 16.0
## 5 5 15.6
## 6 7 19.8
## Rows: 6
## Columns: 2
## $ Time <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
## $ demand <dbl> 8.3, 10.3, 19.0, 16.0, 15.6, 19.8
The CO2 data set represents the CO₂ uptake (uptake
: μmol/m²) of twelve individual Echinochloa crus-galli plants (Plant
) from two locations (Type
) and two temperature treatments (Treatment
) in response to a range of ambient carbon dioxide concentration (conc
: ml/l).
## Plant Type Treatment conc uptake
## 1 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 95 16.0
## 2 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 175 30.4
## 3 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 250 34.8
## 4 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 350 37.2
## 5 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 500 35.3
## 6 Qn1 Quebec nonchilled 675 39.2
## Rows: 84
## Columns: 5
## $ Plant <ord> Qn1, Qn1, Qn1, Qn1, Qn1, Qn1, Qn1, Qn2, Qn2, Qn2, Qn2, Qn2, …
## $ Type <fct> Quebec, Quebec, Quebec, Quebec, Quebec, Quebec, Quebec, Queb…
## $ Treatment <fct> nonchilled, nonchilled, nonchilled, nonchilled, nonchilled, …
## $ conc <dbl> 95, 175, 250, 350, 500, 675, 1000, 95, 175, 250, 350, 500, 6…
## $ uptake <dbl> 16.0, 30.4, 34.8, 37.2, 35.3, 39.2, 39.7, 13.6, 27.3, 37.1, …
The diamonds data set comprises a set of attributes from a large number (~54,000) of diamonds. The most relevant attributes are:
- weight of the diamondcut
- quality of the cutclarity
- standard measurement of how clear the diamond is (on a clarity scale)price
- price in $UShead(diamonds)
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
## carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z
## <dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.23 Ideal E SI2 61.5 55 326 3.95 3.98 2.43
## 2 0.21 Premium E SI1 59.8 61 326 3.89 3.84 2.31
## 3 0.23 Good E VS1 56.9 65 327 4.05 4.07 2.31
## 4 0.29 Premium I VS2 62.4 58 334 4.2 4.23 2.63
## 5 0.31 Good J SI2 63.3 58 335 4.34 4.35 2.75
## 6 0.24 Very Good J VVS2 62.8 57 336 3.94 3.96 2.48
## Rows: 53,940
## Columns: 10
## $ carat <dbl> 0.23, 0.21, 0.23, 0.29, 0.31, 0.24, 0.24, 0.26, 0.22, 0.23, 0.…
## $ cut <ord> Ideal, Premium, Good, Premium, Good, Very Good, Very Good, Ver…
## $ color <ord> E, E, E, I, J, J, I, H, E, H, J, J, F, J, E, E, I, J, J, J, I,…
## $ clarity <ord> SI2, SI1, VS1, VS2, SI2, VVS2, VVS1, SI1, VS2, VS1, SI1, VS1, …
## $ depth <dbl> 61.5, 59.8, 56.9, 62.4, 63.3, 62.8, 62.3, 61.9, 65.1, 59.4, 64…
## $ table <dbl> 55, 61, 65, 58, 58, 57, 57, 55, 61, 61, 55, 56, 61, 54, 62, 58…
## $ price <int> 326, 326, 327, 334, 335, 336, 336, 337, 337, 338, 339, 340, 34…
## $ x <dbl> 3.95, 3.89, 4.05, 4.20, 4.34, 3.94, 3.95, 4.07, 3.87, 4.00, 4.…
## $ y <dbl> 3.98, 3.84, 4.07, 4.23, 4.35, 3.96, 3.98, 4.11, 3.78, 4.05, 4.…
## $ z <dbl> 2.43, 2.31, 2.31, 2.63, 2.75, 2.48, 2.47, 2.53, 2.49, 2.39, 2.…
This is a purely ficticious and fabricated example that is intended to provide a very small example data set.
<- data.frame(x = c(3, 1, 5), y = c(2, 4, 6), z = c('a', 'b', 'c')) df
x | y | z |
3 | 2 | a |
1 | 4 | b |
5 | 6 | c |
The iris data set is a famous example data set that comprises the measurements (cm) of sepal and petal dimensions for three species of iris (Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica).
- length (cm) of sepalsSepal.Width
- width (cm) of sepalsPetal.Length
- length (cm) of petalsPetal.Width
- width (cm) of petalsSpecies
- iris specieshead(iris)
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
## 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
## 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
## Rows: 150
## Columns: 5
## $ Sepal.Length <dbl> 5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5.0, 5.4, 4.6, 5.0, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4, 4.…
## $ Sepal.Width <dbl> 3.5, 3.0, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 3.9, 3.4, 3.4, 2.9, 3.1, 3.7, 3.…
## $ Petal.Length <dbl> 1.4, 1.4, 1.3, 1.5, 1.4, 1.7, 1.4, 1.5, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.…
## $ Petal.Width <dbl> 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.…
## $ Species <fct> setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, s…
2d density estimate of Old Faithful data
- eruption time (mins)waiting
- waiting time until next eruption (mins)density
- 2d density estimatehead(faithfuld)
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## eruptions waiting density
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1.6 43 0.00322
## 2 1.65 43 0.00384
## 3 1.69 43 0.00444
## 4 1.74 43 0.00498
## 5 1.79 43 0.00542
## 6 1.84 43 0.00574
## Rows: 5,625
## Columns: 3
## $ eruptions <dbl> 1.600000, 1.647297, 1.694595, 1.741892, 1.789189, 1.836486, …
## $ waiting <dbl> 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, …
## $ density <dbl> 0.0032161588, 0.0038353752, 0.0044355478, 0.0049776139, 0.00…
The warpbreaks dataset comprises of the number of warp breaks per loom for two different types of wool under three different tensions.
- the number of warp breakswool
- the type of wool (A or B)tension
- the level of tension (L: low, M: medium, H: high)head(warpbreaks)
## breaks wool tension
## 1 26 A L
## 2 30 A L
## 3 54 A L
## 4 25 A L
## 5 70 A L
## 6 52 A L
## Rows: 54
## Columns: 3
## $ breaks <dbl> 26, 30, 54, 25, 70, 52, 51, 26, 67, 18, 21, 29, 17, 12, 18, 35…
## $ wool <fct> A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A,…
## $ tension <fct> L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, H, H, H,…
The following very simple graphic will be used to illustrate the general ggplot template outlined above by explicitly stating many of the default specifications. It will use a cartesian coordinate system, continuous axes scales, a single facet (panel) and then define a single layer with a dataframe (BOD
), with red points, identity (no summarising) statistic visualised as a point geometric.
<- ggplot() + # initialise ggplot
p layer(data = BOD, # data.frame
mapping = aes(y = demand, x = Time), # define x and y variables
stat = "identity", # use raw input data
geom = "point", # plot data as points
position = "identity", # how to handle overlap data
params = list(na.rm = TRUE), # additional params for stat
show.legend = FALSE # whether include a legend
)layer(data = BOD, # data.frame
mapping = aes(y = demand, x = Time), # define x and y variables
stat = "identity", # use raw input data
geom = "line", # plot data as a line
position = "identity", # how to handle overlap data
params = list(na.rm = TRUE), # additional params for stat
show.legend = FALSE # whether include a legend
) coord_cartesian() + # cartesian coordinates
scale_x_continuous() + # continuous x axis
scale_y_continuous() # continuous y axis
# print the plot p
Conveniently, much of the default specifications can be omitted. Hence the above can also be entered as:
<- ggplot(data = BOD, # initialise ggplot
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) + # define x and y variables
geom_point() + # add points
geom_line() # add lines
# print the plot p
Note the following important features of the grammar of graphics as implemented in R:
the order in which each of the major components in the first code snippet were added is unimportant. They each add additional information to the overall graphical object. The object itself is evaluated as a whole when it is printed. For example, scales can be defined before layers.
The following both alter the x axis to a log (base 10) scale. Note how both expressions yield the same outcome.
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
scale_x_log10() +
geom_point() +
multiple layers are laid down in the order that they appear in the statement. In the example above, the lines are drawn over the top of the points.
The following define points and lines in different orders. Note how the points appear under the line in the left hand figure and over the line in the right hand figure.
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
geom_point(color = 'red', size=5) +
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(color = 'red', size=5)
layers can be defined either with the layers
function, or more conveniently (as illustrated in the shorter, second code snippet), via a geom_*
function or stat_*
The following both specify a single layer (line). The left hand figure uses the geom_line
_function with the stat = 'identity
argument and the right hand figure uses the stat_identity
function with the geom = 'line'
argument. Note, identity just means multiple by 1 (i.e. do nothing). The default stat
for geom_line
is identity
and therefore it is not necessary to provide this argument - in this case it was purely used for illustrative purposes.
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
geom_line(stat = 'identity')
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
stat_identity(geom = 'line')
the data and mapping used by geom_*
and stats_*
functions can inherit mapping aesthetics from the main ggplot()
The following figures both generate a plot with both points and a line. In the left hand side syntax, geom_point
and geom_line
inherit the data and aesthetic mappings from the ggplot
function. In the right hand side syntax, the two geoms specify the data and aesthetic mappings themselves. Whilst in this case it does lead to code duplication, in other cases, it does permit different sources of data to be integrated together into a single graphic.
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
geom_line() +
<- ggplot() +
p geom_line(data = BOD,
map = aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
geom_point(data = BOD,
map = aes(x = Time, y = demand))
the ggplot()
function along with the other building functions work together to create a set of instructions that determine how a graph is to be constructed. In the examples above, these instructions are stored in a variable (which we arbitrarily assigned the name p
). The graph is not actually generated until the print
method is called on this object. Recall that in R, entering the name of an object is the same as running the print
function on this object.
In the following figures, the plotting instructions will be built up in multiple stages.
.<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand))
<- p + geom_line() +
p geom_point()
<- ggplot(data = BOD,
p map = aes(x = Time, y = demand))
<- p + geom_line()
p + geom_point() p
In all of the examples so far, you might have noticed that we stored the plotting instructions in an arbitrary variable (p
) prior to printing (generating the plot). Although it is not necessary to store the instructions (we can just accumulate the instructions and print in a single expression), storing sets of instructions do allow the instruction set to be duplicated or altered. This is particularly useful when you have a need to produce two similar and complex plots.
Since this is a tutorial, it will endeavour to focus on a very small set of concepts at any one time. To that end, most of the examples in a section will feature slight variations of a common snippet of code. Typically, there will be a single common code block that initialises a fairly generic plot followed by a series of modifications/additions that highlight different plotting routines or options.
In an attempt to illustrate the use of ggplot for elegant graphics, we will drill down into each of the plot and layer specifications.
Although the geoms and thus layers are amongst the last features to be constructed by the system, the data and aesthetic features of the data impact on how the coordinate system, scales and panelling work. Therefore, we will explore the geoms first.
Geometric objects (geoms) are visual representations of observations. For example, there is a geom to represent points based on a set of x,y coordinates. All graphics need at least one geom and each geom is mapped to its own layer. Multiple geoms can be added to a graphic and the order that they are added to the expression determines the order that their respective layer is constructed.
When a ggplot
expression is being evaluated, geoms are coupled together with a stat_ function. This function is responsible for generating data appropriate for the geom. For example, the stat_boxplot
is responsible for generating the quantiles, whiskers and outliers for the geom_boxplot
In addition to certain specific stat_
functions, all geoms can be coupled to a stat_identity
function. In mathematical contexts, identity functions map each element to themselves - this essentially means that each element passes straight through the identity function unaltered. Coupling a geom to an identity function is useful when the characteristics of the data that you wish to represent are present in the data frame. For example, your dataframe may contain the x,y coordinates for a series of points and you wish for them to be used unaltered as the x,y coordinates on the graph. Moreover, your dataframe may contain pre-calculated information about the quantiles, whiskers and outliers and you wish these to be used in the construction of a boxplot (rather than have the internals of ggplot perform the calculations on raw data).
Since geom_
and stats_
functions are coupled together, a geometric representation can be expressed from either a geom_
function OR a stats_
function. That is, you either:
specify a geom_
function that itself calls a stat_
function to provide the data for the geom
ggplot(CO2) + geom_smooth(aes(x = conc, y = uptake), stat = "smooth")
specify a stat_
function that itself calls a geom_
function to visually represent the data..
ggplot(CO2) + stat_smooth(aes(x = conc, y = uptake), geom = "smooth")
It does not really make any difference which way around you do this. For the remainder of this tutorial, we will directly engage the geom_
function for all examples.
The geom_ functions all have numerous arguments, many of which are common to all geoms_.
- the data frame containing the data. Typically this is inherited from the ggplot
- the aesthetic mapping instructions. Through the aesthetic mapping the aesthetic visual characteristics of the geometric features can be controlled (such as colour, point sizes, shapes etc). The aesthetic mapping can be inherited from the ggplot
function. Common aesthetic features (mapped via a aes
function) include:
- transparencycolour
- colour of the geometric featuresfill
- fill colour of geometric featureslinetype
- type of lines used in geometric features (dotted, dashed, etc)size
- size of geometric features such as points or textshape
- shape of geometric features such as pointsweight
- weightings of valuesstat
- the stat_
function coupled to the geom_
- the position adjustment for overlapping objects
- leave objects were they are:dodge
- shift objects to the side to prevent overlappingstack
- stack objects on top of each otherfill
- stack objects on top of each other and standardize each group to equal heightshow.legend
- whether a legend should be included
- whether to override any aesthetics from the ggplot
The above characteristics that can be aesthetically mapped to data variables, can alternatively be set directly. For example, in the left hand code snippet below, the colour of the points is determined by the value of the specified variable. However, in the right hand code snippet, the colour of the points is set to be red. Notice, that in this later instance, the colour is specified outside of the aesthetic (aes
) function.
ggplot(data = CO2,
map = aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = Type))
ggplot(data = CO2,
map = aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
geom_point(colour = "red")
The above figure (left side) illustrated the use of aesthetics to highlight different groups (or series) within the data (Type
in that case). For some geoms it is important that they be able to operate on a single series of data to avoid strange artefacts. The next two figures will include a layer of lines. In the left hand figure, the lines are drawn across a single series (group) yielding a nonsense pattern. This is addressed in the right hand figure which specifies that separate lines should be drawn for each Plant
(each plant is its own series or group).
ggplot(data = CO2,
map = aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
ggplot(data = CO2,
map = aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
geom_line(aes(group = Plant))
In the above right, the series are defined by the group aesthetic. Alternatively, we could have mapped Plant
to one of the other aesthetics (such as colour
, linetype
etc), in which case, each line would have a different visual appearance and a legend would have also been included.
Currently, there are a large number of available geoms_
and stat_
functions within the ggplot system. This tutorial is still a work in progress and therefore does not include all of them - I have focused on the more commonly used ones.
Primitive geoms are simple plotting shapes that typically represent direct mapping of data variables to the shapes - that is, they do not require specific stat functions. Hence, all primitive geoms use stat_identity. Nevertheless, it is possible to have the shapes mapped via alternative stats functions is appropriate (see points).
Although this might seem pointless, it can be useful for forcing axes scales to conform to a particular format - since axes scales are determined by the first layer (which can be blank) defined in the sequence of expressions.
To help illustrate this, I will introduce a fabricated data set comprising the length (mm) of 10 day old frog tadpoles incubated at three different temperatures (Low, Medium, High).
<- tribble(
tadpole ~length, ~temp,
2.1, "Low",
2.0, "Low",
1.8, "Low",
2.2, "Medium",
2.3, "Medium",
2.3, "Medium",
2.5, "High",
2.7, "High",
2.8, "High",
) mutate(temp = factor(temp))
Now imagine you wish to produce a scatterplot (with length
mapped to the y-axis and day
mapped to the x-axis) to explore these data. Since although temp
is categorical, it is ordered, we would also like to plot a line representing the overall trend in tadpole length in relation to temperature. Doing so would introduce one of two problems:
Using a geom_blank
allows us to define a line and maintain useful axes labels. The second and third examples below will illustrate the problem and solution respectively.
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
Blank layer |
identity |
x,y |
Blank layer |
identity |
x,y |
Blank layer |
identity |
x,y |
draws points (scatterplot). Typically the stat used is stat_identity
as we wish to use the values in two continuous vectors as the coordinates of each point.
. The entries in bold are compulsory.
Parameter | geom_point |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the y-axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
shape - the plotting symbol/character |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
points layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_point forms the basis of various plots such as scatterplots, maps and others
means points layer |
identity |
x,y,fun plots points based on the values provided |
means points layer |
identity |
x,y,fun plots the result of the specified summary function |
The plotting symbols are specified by either a number (index of a plotting symbol - see below) or a single character (printed literally).
The following list describes the mapping aesthetic properties associated with geom_text
. The entries in bold are compulsory.
Parameter | geom_text |
- x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
- y - variable to map to the y-axis |
✔ |
- label - text to use as labels |
✔ |
- group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
- alpha - transparency |
✔ |
- colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
- fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
- linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
- shape - symbol shape for points |
✔ |
- size - size of symbol |
✔ |
- family - font family |
✔ |
- fontface - bold, italic, normal etc |
✔ |
- hjust - horizontal justification |
✔ |
- vjust - vertical justification |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
- parse - whether to parse labels into expressions (to include special characters) |
- nudge_x - horizontal adjustments to label positions |
0 |
- nudge_y - vertical adjustments to label positions |
0 |
- check_overlap - whether to plot text that overlaps other text in layer |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
Text layer |
identity |
x,y,label Text on a plot - useful for depicting the location of observations |
Text layer |
identity |
x,y,label Text on a plot - useful for depicting the location of observations |
Text layer |
identity |
x,y,label Text on a plot - useful for depicting the location of observations |
Horizontal (hjust
) and vertical (vjust
) text justification controls are often a source of confusion and this is further exacerbated when combined with angle
control. The following excellent demonstration from here provides a visual aid to understanding the use of these controls.
<- expand.grid(
td hjust=c(0, 0.5, 1),
vjust=c(0, 0.5, 1),
angle=c(0, 45, 90),
ggplot(td, aes(x=hjust, y=vjust)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(label=text, angle=angle, hjust=hjust, vjust=vjust)) +
facet_grid(~angle) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1), expand=c(0, 0.2)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1), expand=c(0, 0.2))
draws paths (line plots). Paths order the coordinates according to the order in the data frame (c.f. geom_line
and geom_step
Parameter | geom_path |
- x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
- y - variable to map to the y-axis |
✔ |
- group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
- alpha - transparency |
✔ |
- colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
- fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
- linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
- shape - symbol shape for points |
✔ |
- size - size of symbol |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
- lineend - line end style (round, butt, squate) |
‘butt’ |
- linejoin - line join style (round, mitre, bevel) |
‘round’ |
- linemitre - line mitre limit |
10 |
- arrow - arrow specification (grid::arrow() ) |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
paths layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_path draws lines connecting coordinates in the order present in the data frame
The simple line types available are highlighted in the following figure:
draws polygons with the coordinates ordered according to the order in the data frame.
Parameter | geom_polygon |
- x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
- y - variable to map to the y-axis |
✔ |
- group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
- alpha - transparency |
✔ |
- colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
- fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
- linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
- shape - symbol shape for points |
✔ |
- size - size of symbol |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
- rule - determines how holes in polygons are treated |
‘evenodd’ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
polygon layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_polygon draws polygons using coordinates in the order present in the data frame
draws areas under curves with the coordinates ordered according to the order in the data frame.
Parameter | geom_area |
- x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
- y - variable to map to the y-axis |
✔ |
- group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
- alpha - transparency |
✔ |
- colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
- fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
- linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
- shape - symbol shape for points |
✔ |
- size - size of symbol |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
- outline.type - determines the type of outline to draw around area |
‘both’ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
area layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_area draws areas under a curve using coordinates in the order present in the data frame
draws ribbons (polygons) based on upper (max) and lower (min) levels of y associated with each level of x and are typically used to represent uncertainty in trends.
Parameter | geom_ribbon |
- x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
- y - variable to map to the y-axis |
✔ |
- group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
- alpha - transparency |
✔ |
- colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
- fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
- linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
- shape - symbol shape for points |
✔ |
- size - size of symbol |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
- outline.type - determines the type of outline to draw around area |
‘both’ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
ribbon layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_ribbon draws ribbons on a plot - useful for depicting uncertainty (confidence/credibility) intervals,
| |
ribbon layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_ribbon draws ribbons on a plot - useful for depicting uncertainty (confidence/credibility) intervals,
| |
ribbon layer |
identity |
x,ygeom_ribbon draws ribbons on a plot - useful for depicting uncertainty (confidence/credibility) intervals,
| |
constructs boxplots. The values of the various elements of the boxplot (quantiles, whiskers etc) are calculated by its main pairing function (stat_boxplot
). The following list describes the mapping aesthetic properties associated with geom_boxplot
. The entries in bold are compulsory. Note that boxplots are usually specified via the geom_boxplot
function which will engage the stat_boxplot
to calculate the quantiles, whiskers and outliers. Therefore, confusingly, when calling geom_boxplot
, the compulsory parameters are actually those required by stat_boxplot
(unless you indicated to use stat_identity
Parameter | geom_boxplot |
stat_boxplot |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
y - variable to map to the other axis |
✔ | ✔ |
lower - value of the lower box line (25th percentile) |
✔ | |
middle - value of the middle box line (50th percentile) |
✔ | |
upper - value of the upper box line (75th percentile) |
✔ | |
ymin - value of lower whisker |
✔ | |
ymax - value of upper whisker |
✔ | |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
outlier.colour - color of symbols for outliers |
outlier.fill - fill of symbols for outliers |
outlier.shape - shape of symbols for outliers |
outlier.size - size of symbols for outliers |
outlier.stroke - colour of lines in symbols for outliers |
outlier.alpha - transparency of symbols for outliers |
notch - whether to notch the boxplots |
notchwidth - width of notch |
0.5 | 0.5 |
Computed variables | ||
lower - value of the lower box line (25th percentile) |
✔ | |
middle - value of the middle box line (50th percentile) |
✔ | |
upper - value of the upper box line (75th percentile) |
✔ | |
ymin - value of lower whisker |
✔ | |
ymax - value of upper whisker |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
boxplot |
dodge |
x plot of quantiles, whiskers and outliers. | |
boxplot |
dodge |
y plot of quantiles, whiskers and outliers. | |
conditional boxplot |
dodge |
y,x plot of quantiles, whiskers and outliers. | |
draws histograms of continuous data after binning the data,
The following list describes the mapping aesthetic properties associated with geom_histogram
. The entries in bold are compulsory.
Parameter | geom_histogram |
stat_bin |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
binwidth - width of the bins |
bins - number of bins |
breaks - vector of bin boundaries |
NULL | |
center - bin position specifier |
NULL | |
boundary - bin position specifier |
NULL | |
closed - which bin edge is included |
c(‘right’,‘left’) | |
pad - whether to include empty bins at either end of x |
orientation - which axis (x or y) to operate on |
NA | NA |
Computed variables | ||
count - number of points in bin |
✔ | |
density - density of points in bin |
✔ | |
ncount - counts scaled to max of 1 |
✔ | |
ndensity - density scaled to max of 1 |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
histogram layer |
stack |
x or ygeom_histogram bins continuous data and uses the number of cases in each bin as the height of a set of rectangles.Computed variables: | |
histogram layer |
stack |
x or y the granularity of the histogram can be altered by changing the binwidth. | |
histogram layer |
stack |
x or y the granularity of the histogram can be altered by changing the number of bins. | |
histogram layer |
stack |
x or ygeom_histogram bins continuous data and uses the number of cases in each bin as the height of a set of rectangles. | |
histogram layer |
dodge |
x or ygeom_histogram bins continuous data and uses the number of cases in each bin as the height of a set of rectangles. | |
constructs smooth density distributions from continuous vectors. The actual smoothed densities are calculated by its main pairing function (stat_density
). The following list describes the mapping aesthetic properties associated with geom_density
and stat_density
. The entries in bold are compulsory. Note that density plots are usually specified via the geom_density
function which will engage the stat_density
. Therefore, confusingly, when calling geom_density
, the compulsory paramaters are actually those required by stat_density
(unless you indicated to use stat_identity
Parameter | geom_density |
stat_density |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
bw - bandwidth smoothing (either sd of kernel or name of function) |
“nrd0” | “nrd0” |
adjust - multiplicate bandwidth adjustment |
1 | 1 |
kernel - density() kernel to use |
“gaussian” | “gaussian” |
n - number of equ-spaced points to estimate density |
512 | 512 |
trim - whether to trim the range of data |
orientation - which axis (x or y) to operate on |
NA | NA |
Computed variables | ||
density - density of points in bin |
✔ | |
count - density * number of points |
✔ | |
scaled density - density scaled to max of 1 |
✔ | |
ndensity - density scaled to max of 1 |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
density layer |
identity |
x or y | |
density layer |
identity |
x or y | |
density layer |
identity |
x or y, fill or other grouping Multiple densities with overlapping ranges | |
density layer |
stack |
x or y, fill or other grouping Multiple densities stacked on top of one another | |
constructs violin plots. Violin plots are a blend on boxplot and density plots in that they are a density plot mirrored across a central axis and displayed similarly to a boxplot. Since they are derived from density plots, geom_violin
and its stat (stat_ydensity
) have most of the same parameters as geom_density
. Violin plots are a useful way to present continuous distributions that have greater granularity than boxplots.
Parameter | geom_violin |
stat_ydensity |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
bw - bandwidth smoothing (either sd of kernel or name of function) |
“nrd0” | “nrd0” |
adjust - multiplicate bandwidth adjustment |
1 | 1 |
kernel - density() kernel to use |
“gaussian” | “gaussian” |
n - number of equ-spaced points to estimate density |
512 | 512 |
trim - whether to trim the range of data |
orientation - which axis (x or y) to operate on |
NA | NA |
Computed variables | ||
density - density of points in bin |
✔ | |
count - density * number of points |
✔ | |
scaled density - density scaled to max of 1 |
✔ | |
ndensity - density scaled to max of 1 |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
violin |
dodge |
x plot of quantiles, whiskers and outliers. | |
violin |
dodge |
y plot of quantiles, whiskers and outliers. | |
conditional violin |
dodge |
y,x plot of quantiles, whiskers and outliers. | |
constructs quantile-quantile (QQ) plots. QQ plots illustrate the quantiles of the sample distribution against the quantiles expected for the theoretical distribution. A straight line implies that the sample distribution matches the theoretical distribution well. Deviations (typically at the tails) imply a lack of match. To help assess deviations from linearity, the geom_qq_line
function depicts the ideal match as a straight line for comparison.
Parameter | geom_qq |
stat_qq |
aesthetics | ||
sample - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
distribution - function that calculates quantiles for a distribution |
stats::qnorm | stats::qnorm |
dparams - additional parameters for the distribution |
list() | list() |
orientation - which axis (x or y) to operate on |
NA | NA |
Computed variables | ||
sample - sample quantiles |
✔ | |
theoretical - theoretical quantiles |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
QQ plot |
identity |
sample | |
QQ plot |
identity |
sample this example will explore a Gamma theoretical distribution (rather than the default Gaussian). When specifying an alternative distribution, it may be necessary to supply certain distribution parameters. In this case, the appropriate shape parameter for the Gamma distribution is required. This is first estimated via the fitdistr() function from the MASS _package`.
| |
QQ plot |
identity |
sample | |
constructs barcharts. By default, the bins of each bar along with the associated bar heights are calculated by the stats_count
function. The following list describes the mapping aesthetic properties associated with geom_bar
and stats_count
. The entries in bold are compulsory.
Parameter | geom_bar |
stat_count |
aesthetics | ||
x or y - variable to map to the x/y-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
width - width of the bars |
orientation - which axis (x or y) to operate on |
NA | NA |
Computed variables | ||
count - number of points to bin |
✔ | |
prop - groupwise proportion |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
Bar plot |
stack |
sample | |
Stacked bar plot |
stack |
sample by default a viridis colour blind safe palette is applied. | |
Conditional bar plot |
dodge2 |
sample by default a viridis colour blind safe palette is applied. | |
draws dotplots of continuous data after binning the data. This geom is unusual in that it does not have an associated stat
. Instead, it calls its own density function. Dotplots are really only useful for small datasets. The reason for this is that the counts in each bin are represented by circles (the size of which is determined by the bin width) and thus if the counts are high, the stack of circles will extend beyond the y-axis (unless the stack ratio is altered). Moreover, the y-axis scale is meaningless.
The following list describes the mapping aesthetic properties associated with geom_dotplot
. The entries in bold are compulsory.
Parameter | geom_histogram |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
binwidth - (maximum) bin width |
binaxis - the axis to bin along |
“x” |
method - method for binning |
“dotdensity” |
binpositions - method for determining the position of dots |
“bygroup” |
stackdir - which direction to stack dots |
“up” |
stackratio - how close to stack dots |
1 |
dotsize - diameter of dot relative to binwidth |
1 |
stackgroups - whether to stack dots across groups |
origin - origin of first bin |
right - should bin intervals be closed on the right (a, b] or not [a, b) |
width - when binaxis is “y”, the spacing of dot stacks for dodging |
0.9 |
drop - whether to remove bins with zero counts |
Computed variables | |
count - number of points in bin |
✔ |
density - density of points in bin |
✔ |
ncount - counts scaled to max of 1 |
✔ |
ndensity - density scaled to max of 1 |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
dotplot layer |
identity |
x or y | ||
dotplot layer |
identity |
x or y | ||
dotplot layer |
identity |
x or y | ||
The ggpairs()
function is not actually part of the ggplot2
package. Rather it is part of its own package (GGally
). Nevertheless, this graphic, in which all pairs of variables are plotted in a matrix of panels can be a very useful way to explore the individual and relational characteristics of multiple variables simultaneously.
Parameter | geom_histogram |
aesthetics | |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
columns - which columns to include |
1:ncol(data) |
title,xlab,ylab - titles |
upper,lower - functions for plots to appear in off diagonal panels |
… |
diag - function for plots to appear in diagonal panels |
… |
axisLabels - whether and how to display axis labels |
c(“show”, “internal”, “none”) |
columnLabels - label names to display |
colnames(data[columns]) |
labeller - facet labeller function |
“label_value” |
switch - which (if any) facet labels to switch position |
showStrips - whether to display all strips (panel banners) |
legend - whether or position of legend |
cardinality_threshold - max number of factor levels permitted |
15 |
progress - whether to show a progress bar while computing (if >15 panels) |
proportions - amount of area given to each plot |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
dotplot layer |
identity |
x or y | ||
draws lines joining coordinates. Typically the stat used is stat_identity
as we wish to use the values in two continuous vectors as the coordinates of each line segment. geom_line
differs from geom_path
in that the former first orders the data according to the x-axis.
Parameter | geom_line |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the other axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot on only the first level of Plant .
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of each Plant level.
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of each Plant level coloured separately.
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of mean across all Plant s.
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of mean across all Plant s.
| |
draws smooths lines (and 95% confidence intervals) through data clouds. Typically the stat used is stat_smooth
which in turn engages one of the available smoothing methods (e.g. lm
, glm
, gam
, loess
or rlm
Parameter | geom_smooth |
geom_smooth |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
y - variable to map to the other axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
method - smoothing method (modelling function) |
formula - formula to use in smoothing function |
se - whether to display confidence intervals |
n - number of points at which to evaluate the smoother |
80 | |
span - degree of smoothing for loess smoother |
0.75 | |
fullrange - whether the fit should span full range (or just data) |
method.args - additional arguments passed on to modelling function |
list() | |
Computed variables | ||
y or x - the predicted value |
✔ | |
ymin or xmin - lower confidence interval |
✔ | |
ymax or xmax - upper confidence interval |
✔ | |
se - standard error |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot on only the first level of Plant .
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of each Plant level.
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of each Plant level coloured separately.
| |
line plot |
identity |
x,y scatterplot of each Plant level coloured separately.
| |
constructs heat maps given x,y coordinates and a z value to associate with the fill of each tile. Note, the data must be a complete grid.
Parameter | geom_tile |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the other axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
linejoin - line join style |
“mitre” |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
tile plot |
identity |
x,y heatmap of 2d density. | |
is similar to geom_tile
in that it constructs heat maps given x,y coordinates and a z value to associate with the fill of each tile. However, unlike geom_tile
, a full grid is not required as geom_raster
is able to interpolate over the grid. The interpolation can also smooth out the grid surface. This interpolation does make geom_raster
slower than geom_tile
Parameter | geom_raster |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the other axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
hjust - line join style |
0.5 |
vjust - line join style |
0.5 |
interpolate - line join style |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
raster plot |
identity |
x,y heatmap of 2d density. | |
constructs contour maps given x,y coordinates and a z value from which to calculate each contour.
Parameter | geom_contour |
stat_contour |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
y - variable to map to the y axis |
✔ | ✔ |
z - variable to map to the z axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
bins - number of contour bins |
binwidth - width of contour bins |
breaks - numer of contour bins (alternative to bins) |
lineend - line end style |
“butt” | “butt” |
linejoin - line join style |
“round” | “round” |
linemitre - line mitre style |
10 | 10 |
Computed variables | ||
level - bin boundaries |
✔ | |
level_low, level_high, level_mid - bin boundaries per band |
✔ | |
nlevel - height of contour, scaled to max of 1 |
✔ | |
piece - contour piece |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
contour plot |
identity |
x,y contour plot of 2d density in relation to eruption and waiting times. | |
constructs contour maps given x,y coordinates and a z value from which to calculate each contour.
Parameter | geom_contour_filled |
stat_contour_filled |
aesthetics | ||
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ | ✔ |
y - variable to map to the y axis |
✔ | ✔ |
z - variable to map to the z axis |
✔ | ✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ✔ |
additional parameters | ||
bins - number of contour bins |
binwidth - width of contours |
breaks - sets contour breaks (alternative to bins) |
lineend - line end style |
“butt” | “butt” |
linejoin - line join style |
“round” | “round” |
linemitre - line mitre style |
10 | 10 |
Computed variables | ||
level - bin boundaries |
✔ | |
nlevel - height of filled_contour, scaled to max of 1 |
✔ | |
piece - filled_contour piece |
✔ |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
filled_contour plot |
identity |
x,y filled contour plot of 2d density in relation to eruption and waiting times. | |
draws error bars based on upper and lower levels of y associated with each level of x.
Parameter | geom_errorbar |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the y axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
width - width of the caps on the bars |
1 |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
error bars |
identity |
x,y | |
error bars |
identity |
x,y | |
error bars |
identity |
x,y | |
error bars |
identity |
x,y | |
draws uncertainty bars based on upper and lower levels of y associated with each level of x.
Parameter | geom_linerange |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the y axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
line range |
identity |
x,y | |
line ranges |
identity |
x,y | |
draws uncertainty bars based on upper and lower levels of y associated with each level of x.
Parameter | geom_pointrange |
aesthetics | |
x - variable to map to the x-axis |
✔ |
y - variable to map to the y axis |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
flatten - a multiplicative factor to increase the point size |
1 |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
point range |
identity |
x,y | |
point ranges |
identity |
x,y | |
point ranges |
identity |
x,y | |
draws uncertainty envelopes based on upper and lower levels of y associated with each level of x.
and geom_hline
draw vertical and horizontal lines respectively. These are particularly useful for:
is used for adding linear regression lines in the form of y = bx + a
where b
is the slope and a
is the intercept (this is where the ab
in abline
comes from).
Parameter | geom_vline |
geom_hline |
geom_abline |
aesthetics | |||
xintercept - x-axis coordinate crossed by vline |
✔ | ||
yintercept - y-axis coordinate crossed by hline |
✔ | ||
intercept - y-axis coordinate crossed by abline |
✔ | ||
slope - slope (gradient) of abline |
✔ | ||
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ | ||
alpha - transparency |
✔ | ||
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ | ||
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ | ||
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ | ||
size - thickness of the line |
✔ | ||
weight - weightings of values |
✔ | ||
additional parameters | |||
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
straight lines |
identity |
x,y | |
straight lines |
identity |
x,y | |
straight lines |
identity |
x,y | |
draws segments (separate lines) joining pairs of coordinates. These can be useful to represent vectors (e.g. wind speed and direction on a map) or movement, differences etc (particularly if given an arrow head).
Parameter | geom_segment |
aesthetics | |
x - x-axis coordinates for the start of lines |
✔ |
y - y-axis coordinates for the start of lines |
✔ |
xend - x-axis coordinates for the end of lines |
✔ |
yend - y-axis coordinates for the end of lines |
✔ |
group - plot separate series without aesthetic differences |
✔ |
alpha - transparency |
✔ |
colour - colour of the points/lines |
✔ |
fill - inner colour of points/shapes |
✔ |
linetype - type of lines used to construct points/lines |
✔ |
size - thickness of the line |
✔ |
weight - weightings of values |
✔ |
additional parameters | |
arrow - specification of arrow heads |
arrow.fill - fill colour of arrow head |
lineend - style of line end |
“butt” |
linejoin - style of line join |
“round” |
Computed variables |
Feature | geom | stat | position | Aesthetic parameters / Notes | Example plot |
line segements |
identity |
x,y | |
The coordinate system controls the nature and scale of the axes.
Parameter | geom_segment |
xlim - limits for the x axis |
ylim - limits for the y axis |
expand - whether to add a small expansion to the axes to ensure geoms and axes do not overlapp |
expand - whether or not to provide a warning when the default coordinate system is being replaced |
clip - whether or not to clip plotting to within the plotting margins (“on”) or to extend into the margins |
“on” |
Feature | coord | Notes | Example plot |
Cartesian coordinates |
| |
Parameter | geom_segment |
theta - map angle to either ‘x’ or ‘y’ |
‘x’ |
start - offset (applied clockwise by default) from 12 o’clock in radians |
0 |
direction - which direction (‘clockwise’: 1 or ‘anticlockwise’: -1) |
1 |
clip - whether or not to clip plotting to within the plotting margins (“on”) or to extend into the margins |
“on” |
Feature | coord | Notes | Example plot |
Polar coordinates |
| |
Parameter | geom_segment |
xlim - limits for the x axis |
ylim - limits for the y axis |
expand - whether to add a small expansion to the axes to ensure geoms and axes do not overlapp |
expand - whether or not to provide a warning when the default coordinate system is being replaced |
clip - whether or not to clip plotting to within the plotting margins (“on”) or to extend into the margins |
“on” |
Feature | coord | Notes | Example plot |
Flip coordinates |
| |
Parameter | geom_segment |
ratio - aspect ratio (y/x) |
1 |
xlim - limits for the x axis |
ylim - limits for the y axis |
expand - whether to add a small expansion to the axes to ensure geoms and axes do not overlapp |
expand - whether or not to provide a warning when the default coordinate system is being replaced |
clip - whether or not to clip plotting to within the plotting margins (“on”) or to extend into the margins |
“on” |
Feature | coord | Notes | Example plot |
Fixed coordinates |
| |
Fixed ratio of coordinates |
| |
Parameter | geom_segment |
x - the transformation to apply to the x-axis |
“identity” |
y - the transformation to apply to the y-axis |
“identity” |
xlim - limits for the x axis |
ylim - limits for the y axis |
expand - whether or not to provide a warning when the default coordinate system is being replaced |
clip - whether or not to clip plotting to within the plotting margins (“on”) or to extend into the margins |
“on” |
Feature | coord | Notes | Example plot |
Transformed coordinates |
| |
Trans ratio of coordinates |
| |
Modifying scales with coords_ affects the zoom on the graph. That is, it defines the extent and nature of the axes coordinates. By contrast, altering limits via scale_ routines will alter the scope of data included in a manner analogous to operating on a subset of the data.
To illustrate this, lets produce a linear smoother for the BOD data. To help us appreciate the differences between coords_
and scale_
when altering one axis (x in this case), we will ensure that all each plot has the same range of the other axis (y) and that the aspect ratio for the axes are all the same.
<- ggplot(data = BOD, aes(x = Time, y = demand)) +
g geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
+ coord_fixed(ratio = 0.1, ylim = c(-5, 35)) g
Scale via coords scale
+ coord_fixed(ratio = 0.1,
g ylim = c(-5, 35),
xlim = c(2, 6))
Scale via scale scale
+ coord_fixed(ratio = 0.1,
g ylim = c(-5, 35)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(2, 6))
Notice that the left hand figure (that restricts the x-axis scale) simply zooms in on the plot thereby cutting some of the data off. By contrast, scale_
(right hand figure) removes data that are outside the range and thus also alters the output of the smoother (linear model).
In addition to altering the zoom of the axes, axes (coordinate system) scales can be transformed to other scales via the coord_trans
function. Such transformations of the coordinate system take place after statistics have been calculated and geoms derived. Therefore the shape of geoms are altered.
To illustrate the difference between coord_trans
and scale_
, lets create a fabricated data set of 50 points in which y is an exponential function of x (with noise).
n<- data.frame(x = exp((1:n+rnorm(n,sd=2))/10), y = 1:n+rnorm(n,sd=2))
<- ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = x, y = y)) g
Linear scales |
In the above, the log10
transformer function was applied to either the coordinates or the axes scales. More information about this and other transformer functions is provided in the scales section.
The idea of scales is that you present the plotting engine with data or characteristics in one scale and use the various scale_
functions to convert those data into another scale. In the grammar of graphics, scales are synonymous for units of data, colors, shapes, sizes etc of plotting features and the axes and guides (legends) provide a visual cue for what the scales are. For example:
Technically, scales determine how attributes of the data are mapped into aesthetic geom properties. The majority of geom’s (geometric objects) have the following aesthetic properties:
Parameter |
x - the x position (coordinates) of the geom |
y - the y position (coordinates) of the geom |
size - size of the geom (e.g. the size of points, thickness of lines) |
shape - the shape of the geom |
linetype - the type of line to use for the geom’s outline (solid, dashed, etc) |
colour - the colour of the geom’s outline |
fill - the colour of the geom’s fill (inside colour) |
alpha - the transparency of the geom (0 = transparent, through to 1 = opaque) |
In turn, each of these properties are mapped to a scale - the defaults of which are automatically selected according to what is appropriate for the sort of data. For example, if the variable mapped to an axis is continuous, the a continuous scale is the default. If the variable mapped to an axis is categorical, then a discrete scale is the default. And so on…
The following table describes the typical scale associated with each of the major variable types:
Variable type | Scale |
numeric - continuous data |
_continuous - data mapped onto a continuous scale |
numeric - continuous data |
_log10 - data mapped onto a log (base 10) continuous scale |
numeric - continuous data |
_sqrt - data mapped onto a sqrt continuous scale |
numeric - continuous data |
_reverse - data mapped onto a reverse continuous scale |
numeric - continuous data |
_binned - data mapped onto a binned (discretized) scale |
factor - categorical data |
_discrete - data mapped onto a categorical scale |
date - date data |
_date - data mapped according to dates |
POSIXct - date/time data |
_datetime - data mapped according to date/time |
POSIXct - date/time data |
_time - data mapped according to date/time |
Some properties, such as colour also have additional scales that are specific to the characteristic. The scales effect not only the characteristics of the geoms, they also effect the guides (legends) that accompany the geoms.
Scaling functions comprise the prefix scale_
, followed by the name of an aesthetic property and suffixed by the type of scale. Hence a function to manually define a colour scale would be scale_colour_manual
- a title applied to the scale. In the case of scales for x and y (the x,y coordinate of geoms), the name is the axis title. For all other scales, the name is the title of the guide (legend).
Feature |
Notes |
Example plot |
Simple axis title |
Provide a more meaningful axis title for the x-axis | |
Math in axis title |
More elaborate titles that include special characters and mathematical notations are supported via Note the use of the |
Math in axis title |
Alternatively, expressions can be built up by pasting objects together. |
- the increments on the guide. For scale_x_
and scale_y_
, breaks are the axis tick locations. For all other scales, the breaks indicate the increments of the characteristic in the legend (e.g. how many point shapes are featured in the legend).
By default, pretty breaks will be used for continuous (including dates) data. It is possible to define your own breaks.
Feature |
Notes |
Example plot |
User defined breaks |
Provide a vector of breaks (tick marks) | |
User defined breaks |
Provide a more useful breaks for log scale axes | |
User defined breaks |
Alternatively, you can apply other functions that define breaks. There are some useful break functions in the |
User defined breaks |
For discrete data, breaks should return a vector of values that correspond to categorical levels (in the order of the levels). In the following example, only one of the Treatment groups has a tick mark. |
- the labels given to the increments on the guide. For scale_x_
and scale_y_
, labels are the axis tick labels. For all other scales, the labels are the labels given to items in the legend.
The scales
package has a number of label formatting functions. These all start with label_
Feature |
Notes |
Example plot |
User defined tick labels |
Format x-axis tick labels to include comma’s every multiple of 1000 |
User defined tick labels |
Format y-axis labels to include percentage sign. By default, the |
User defined tick labels |
Format y-axis labels to include percentage sign. On this occasion we will derive a new variable to map to the y-axis. These values are in the range from 0 to 1, so we do want to |
User defined tick labels |
Format the x-axis ticks to append ‘.spp’ after each |
User defined tick labels |
Or, we can define the formatting on the fly, |
- the span/range of data represented in the scale. Note, if the range is inside the range of the data, the data are sub-setted.
Feature |
Notes |
Example plot |
Range of the scale |
Extend the range of the x-axis |
Range of the scale |
Extend the range represented by a colour bar |
Range of the scale |
This can also include categorical data - in this case, we are adding an additional category. Although this category does not appear in the data, it may appear in other data for which you are producing similar plots and you wish to maintain the same legends and colour palettes. |
- scale transformations applied - obviously this is only relevant to scales that are associated with continuous data.
Feature |
Notes |
Example plot |
Log (base 10) scale |
Apply a log (base 10) transformation of the x-axis |
Square-root scale |
Apply a square-root transformation of the x-axis |
Log (base 2) scale |
Apply a log (base 2) transformation of the x-axis The |
Log (base 2) scale |
There is also a general log transform that allows you to indicate the logarithmic base. When using the |
Log (base 2) scale |
If you wish to apply a logarithmic scale transform, yet also include a tickmark at 0, then the |
- a function used to create/modify the associated guide (axes or legend).
Feature |
Notes |
Example plot |
Remove guide |
Scale the size of the points according to a continuous variable, yet remove the associated legend. |
Override aethetics |
Colour the points according to a categorical variable ( |
Parameter |
All |
position - axis position (‘left’, ‘right, ’top’, ‘bottom’) |
sec.axis - secondary axis |
_date, _datetime |
date_breaks - distance between breaks (in date units) |
date_labels - formatting for labels |
date_minor_breaks - distance between minor breaks (in date units) |
timezone - timezeone to use when displaying date/datetime |
Feature | scale | Notes | Example plot |
Linear scaling |
| |
Add a secondary y-axis |
Add a secondary y-axis and alter its scale. Note, by design, |
Add a secondary y-axis |
Add a secondary y-axis, except put the derived axis on the left side and the standard axis on the right | |
The scale_size_
scales control the size of geoms (such as the size of points).
Parameter | _size |
_size_area |
_size_binned |
range - range (min, max) of symbol sizes |
c(1, 6) | c(1,6) | |
max_size - maximum size of symbols |
6 | ||
n.breaks - approximate number of major breaks |
NULL | ||
nice.breaks - whether to use nice breaks |
Feature | scale | Notes | Example plot |
Scale size |
Scale the size according to a continuous variable. The size of the symbols will be proportional to the value in the variable and the guide (legend) will provide an indication of the symbol sizes correspondingto a set of values. | |
Scale size |
Scale the size according to a continuous variable | |
Scale size |
Scale the size according to a continuous variable that has been binned. In this case, as there are five bins, the symbols will be of one of five sizes (rather than a continuum). | |
Scale size |
Scale the size according to the levels of a categorical variable | |
The scale_shape_
scales control the shape of geoms (such as the shape of the plotting point)
Parameter | _shape |
_shape_binned |
solid - whether the plotting symbols should be solid (TRUE) or hollow |
Feature | scale | Notes | Example plot |
Scale shape |
Use hollow shapes. |
Scale shape |
Manually defined the symbol shapes. |
The scale_linetype_
scales control the linetype of geoms.
Feature | scale | Notes | Example plot |
Scale line type |
Manually define the line types and alter the associated legend labels. |
Scale line type |
Manually define the line types and alter the associated legend labels and remove the ribbon from the legend. |
Colour (or color) is used to represent the colour of lines and solid symbols (e.g. the outer color of shapes). By contrast, fill is used to represent the filling (inner) colour of shapes.
Colors can be specified by either:
a name of one of the 657 named colors
Color names
The names of all the available colors can be obtained via:
Below is a visual representation of those colours and their names (although you are going to need exceptional eye sight to read the names ;)).
hexedecimal codes (e.g. #FF0000
is ‘red’). This can also be an eight digit code in which case the last two digits represent alpha (e.g. #FF000050
is 50% transparent red).
RGB color codes
a colour palette
::hcl_palettes(plot = TRUE, n = 5) colorspace
::display.brewer.all() RColorBrewer
Parameter | default | default |
_continuous |
_binned |
type - the type of colour scale |
‘gradient’ | |
(‘gradient’, ‘viridis’) | ||
_gradient |
gradient2 |
low - colour of low end of gradient |
‘#132B43’ | muted(“red”) |
high - colour of high end of gradient |
‘#56B1F7’ | muted(“blue” |
space - colour space |
‘Lab’ | ‘Lab’ |
mid - colour of mid point in gradient |
‘white’ | |
midpoint - data value associated with middle of gradient |
0 | |
_gradientn |
colours - vector of colours |
values - position associated with eaah colour |
_brewer |
_distiller |
type - type of color scale (‘div’, ‘seq’ or ‘qual’) |
‘seq’ | ‘seq’ |
palette - name or number of colorbrewer palette |
1 | 1 |
direction - order of colours from the palette |
1 | -1 |
Feature | scale | Notes | Example plot |
Scale colour type |
Manually define a colour scale that gradually transitions from red to blue. |
Scale colour type |
Manually define a colour scale that gradually transitions from red to blue via a white middle. |
Scale colour type |
Manually define a colour scale that gradually transitions along a pre-defined colour palette. |
Scale colour type |
Manually define a colour scale that gradually transitions according to a colorbrewer palette on a continuous variable. |
Scale colour type |
Manually define a colour scale that gradually transitions according to a Viridis colourblind safe palette. |
Scale colour type |
Manually define a colour scale that uses the ‘Divergent’ (div) |
Scale colour type |
Apply an interpolated colorbrewer scale ‘Oranges’ sequential scale (reverse order). |
Scale colour type |
Apply an interpolated colorbrewer scale ‘Oranges’ sequential scale (reverse order) and binned. |
Scale colour type |
Apply a user-defined color palette |
Scale colour type |
Apply a hue palette to categorical data. |
Scale colour type |
Apply a hue palette to categorical data. |
Scale colour type |
Manually set the colours for a categorical variable. One of the colours is a named colour, the other is a hex code. |
Scale colour type |
Manually set the colours for a categorical variable. One of the colours is a named colour, the other is a hex code. |
alpha is used to represent the opacity of lines and solid symbols. An alpha value of 0 is transparent and an alpha value of 1 is fully opaque.
Parameter | default |
range - output range of alpha values |
c(0.1,1) |
Feature | scale | Notes | Example plot |
Scale alpha type |
Manually define a narrower alpha scale. |
Scale alpha type |
Alpha (transparency) determined by categorical variable(s). |
Scale alpha type |
Alpha (transparency) determined manually for a categorical variable(s). |
Scale alpha type |
Alpha (transparency) determined manually for a categorical variable(s). |
Faceting splits the data up into a matrix of panels on the basis of one or more categorical vectors. Since facets display subsets of the data, they are very useful for examining trends in hierarchical designs. There are two faceting function, that reflect two alternative approaches:
- creates a set of panels based on a factor and wraps the panels into a 2-d matrix. cell represents a categorical vector or set of categorical vectorsfacet_wrap(row~column)
- creates a set of panels based on a factor and wraps the panels into a 2-d matrix. row and column represents the categorical vectors used to define the rows and columns of the matrix respectivelyWrapped and gridded facets share a number of parameters:
- variables defining rows/columns of the grid. This can be either a formula or vector. Note, this is not deprecated for facet_grid
- number of grid rows
- number of grid columns
- one of “fixed” (default, axes the same across all panels), “free” (axes unique per panel), “free_x” (x-axes free), “free-y” (y-axes free)
<- ggplot(data = CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
g geom_point()
Fixed axes scales |
Free axes scales |
- if TRUE (default), arranged from top left to bottom right, otherwise, from bottom left to top right
- whether to drop factor combinations that lack data (default TRUE)
- whether to shrink axes scales to match applied statistics (TRUE, default) or raw data (FALSE)
- a function that determines the format of facet (strip) labels (default, ‘label_value’)
<- ggplot(data = CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
g geom_point()
Default labelling |
Append variable name to labels |
Wrap long labels |
Add special characters/formatting to labels |
- alternative positions for the panel strips (‘x’: move top labels to bottom, ‘y’: move right labels to left, ‘both’: move both top and right labels to bottom and left)
- direction in which to wrap panels (‘h’: horizontally’, ‘v’: vertically)
<- ggplot(data = CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
g geom_point()
Wrap panels horizontally |
Wrap panels vertically |
- position of the panel label (‘top’,‘bottom’, ‘left’, ‘right’)
<- ggplot(data = CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake)) +
g geom_point()
Strip labels on top |
Strip labels on right |
Parameter | default |
nrow - number of grid rows |
ncol - number of grid columns |
dir - direction in which to wrap panels (‘h’: horizontally’, ‘v’: vertically) |
‘h’ |
strip.position - position of the panel label (‘top’,‘bottom’, ‘left’, ‘right’) |
‘top’ |
Feature | facet | Notes | Example plot |
Facet wrap |
Matrix of panels split by a single categorical vector |
Facet wrap |
Matrix of panels split by a single categorical vector and wrap the panels vertically |
Facet wrap |
Matrix of panels split by two categorical vectors |
Facet wrap |
Matrix of panels split by a single categorical vector with strip labels moved right of panels |
Parameter | default |
rows - variables used to faceting for the rows |
cols - variables used to faceting for the columns |
space - whether all panels are the same size (‘fixed’) or proportional to the scale of associated data (‘free’, ‘free_x’, ‘free_y’) |
‘fixed’ |
margins - whether to include marginal summaries or which variables to associate marginal summaries for |
Feature | facet | Notes | Example plot |
Facet wrap |
Matrix of panels split by two categorical vectors |
Facet grid |
Matrix of panels split by two categorical vectors |
Facet grid |
Matrix of panels split by two categorical vectors |
Themes govern the overall style of the graphic. In particular, they control:
Feature | Theme | Notes | Example plot |
Black and white theme |
Black and white theme |
Classic theme |
Black and white theme |
Classic theme |
Grey theme |
Minimal theme |
Minimal theme |
Empty (void) theme |
Minimal theme |
Along with these pre-fabricated themes, it is possible to create your own theme. This is done via the theme()
function. Non-data themable elements comprise of either a line, rectangle or text. Therefore, they can all be modified via one of the following functions:
- remove the elementelement_line()
- set the properties of a lineelement_rect()
- set the properties of a rectangleelement_text()
- set the properties of textThe spacing around elements is defined by margin()
. The sizes of elements can be directly supplied or defined relative to the size of the parent element via the rel()
Parameter | _line |
_rect |
_text |
inherit.blank - |
fill - element fill colour |
NULL | ||
colour - line/border colour |
size - line/border line size (mm) or font size (pt) |
linetype - line type (1:8, name or hex string) |
lineend - line end style (round, butt, square) |
NULL | ||
arrow - arrow specification |
NULL | ||
family - font family |
NULL | ||
face - font face (plain, italic, bold, bold.italic) |
NULL | ||
hjust - horizontal justification (in [0, 1]) |
NULL | ||
vjust - vertical justification (in [0, 1]) |
NULL | ||
angle - angle (in [0, 360]) |
NULL | ||
lineheight - height of a line of text |
NULL | ||
margin - spacing around text (see margin() ) |
NULL | ||
debug - if TRUE draws a rectangle behind text and a point at anchor |
NULL | ||
To get an appreciation of the theme elements controlled by a theme, enter the associated function at the command prompt (note, most themes build upon the default ‘grey’ theme):
## List of 93
## $ line :List of 6
## ..$ colour : chr "black"
## ..$ size : num 0.5
## ..$ linetype : num 1
## ..$ lineend : chr "butt"
## ..$ arrow : logi FALSE
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_line" "element"
## $ rect :List of 5
## ..$ fill : chr "white"
## ..$ colour : chr "black"
## ..$ size : num 0.5
## ..$ linetype : num 1
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_rect" "element"
## $ text :List of 11
## ..$ family : chr ""
## ..$ face : chr "plain"
## ..$ colour : chr "black"
## ..$ size : num 11
## ..$ hjust : num 0.5
## ..$ vjust : num 0.5
## ..$ angle : num 0
## ..$ lineheight : num 0.9
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 0points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : logi FALSE
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ title : NULL
## $ aspect.ratio : NULL
## $ axis.title : NULL
## $ axis.title.x :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : num 1
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 2.75points 0points 0points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : num 0
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 2.75points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.title.x.bottom : NULL
## $ axis.title.y :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : num 1
## ..$ angle : num 90
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 2.75points 0points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.title.y.left : NULL
## $ axis.title.y.right :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : num 0
## ..$ angle : num -90
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 0points 2.75points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.text :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : chr "grey30"
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 0.8
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : NULL
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.text.x :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : num 1
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 2.2points 0points 0points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : num 0
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 2.2points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.text.x.bottom : NULL
## $ axis.text.y :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : num 1
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 2.2points 0points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.text.y.left : NULL
## $ axis.text.y.right :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : num 0
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 0points 2.2points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ axis.ticks :List of 6
## ..$ colour : chr "grey20"
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ lineend : NULL
## ..$ arrow : logi FALSE
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_line" "element"
## $ axis.ticks.x : NULL
## $ : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.x.bottom : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.y : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.y.left : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.y.right : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.length : 'simpleUnit' num 2.75points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ axis.ticks.length.x : NULL
## $ : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.length.x.bottom: NULL
## $ axis.ticks.length.y : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.length.y.left : NULL
## $ axis.ticks.length.y.right : NULL
## $ axis.line : list()
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_blank" "element"
## $ axis.line.x : NULL
## $ : NULL
## $ axis.line.x.bottom : NULL
## $ axis.line.y : NULL
## $ axis.line.y.left : NULL
## $ axis.line.y.right : NULL
## $ legend.background :List of 5
## ..$ fill : NULL
## ..$ colour : logi NA
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_rect" "element"
## $ legend.margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 5.5points 5.5points 5.5points 5.5points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ legend.spacing : 'simpleUnit' num 11points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ legend.spacing.x : NULL
## $ legend.spacing.y : NULL
## $ legend.key :List of 5
## ..$ fill : chr "grey95"
## ..$ colour : logi NA
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_rect" "element"
## $ legend.key.size : 'simpleUnit' num 1.2lines
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 3
## $ legend.key.height : NULL
## $ legend.key.width : NULL
## $ legend.text :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 0.8
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : NULL
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ legend.text.align : NULL
## $ legend.title :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : num 0
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : NULL
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ legend.title.align : NULL
## $ legend.position : chr "right"
## $ legend.direction : NULL
## $ legend.justification : chr "center"
## $ : NULL
## $ : NULL
## $ : 'margin' num [1:4] 0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 1
## $ : list()
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_blank" "element"
## $ : 'simpleUnit' num 11points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ panel.background :List of 5
## ..$ fill : chr "grey92"
## ..$ colour : logi NA
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_rect" "element"
## $ panel.border : list()
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_blank" "element"
## $ panel.spacing : 'simpleUnit' num 5.5points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ panel.spacing.x : NULL
## $ panel.spacing.y : NULL
## $ panel.grid :List of 6
## ..$ colour : chr "white"
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ lineend : NULL
## ..$ arrow : logi FALSE
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_line" "element"
## $ panel.grid.major : NULL
## $ panel.grid.minor :List of 6
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 0.5
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ lineend : NULL
## ..$ arrow : logi FALSE
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_line" "element"
## $ panel.grid.major.x : NULL
## $ panel.grid.major.y : NULL
## $ panel.grid.minor.x : NULL
## $ panel.grid.minor.y : NULL
## $ panel.ontop : logi FALSE
## $ plot.background :List of 5
## ..$ fill : NULL
## ..$ colour : chr "white"
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_rect" "element"
## $ plot.title :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 1.2
## ..$ hjust : num 0
## ..$ vjust : num 1
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 5.5points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ plot.title.position : chr "panel"
## $ plot.subtitle :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : num 0
## ..$ vjust : num 1
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 0points 0points 5.5points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ plot.caption :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 0.8
## ..$ hjust : num 1
## ..$ vjust : num 1
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 5.5points 0points 0points 0points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ plot.caption.position : chr "panel"
## $ plot.tag :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 1.2
## ..$ hjust : num 0.5
## ..$ vjust : num 0.5
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : NULL
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ plot.tag.position : chr "topleft"
## $ plot.margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 5.5points 5.5points 5.5points 5.5points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ strip.background :List of 5
## ..$ fill : chr "grey85"
## ..$ colour : logi NA
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ linetype : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_rect" "element"
## $ strip.background.x : NULL
## $ strip.background.y : NULL
## $ strip.placement : chr "inside"
## $ strip.text :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : chr "grey10"
## ..$ size : 'rel' num 0.8
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : NULL
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : 'margin' num [1:4] 4.4points 4.4points 4.4points 4.4points
## .. ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ strip.text.x : NULL
## $ strip.text.y :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : num -90
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : NULL
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## $ strip.switch.pad.grid : 'simpleUnit' num 2.75points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ strip.switch.pad.wrap : 'simpleUnit' num 2.75points
## ..- attr(*, "unit")= int 8
## $ strip.text.y.left :List of 11
## ..$ family : NULL
## ..$ face : NULL
## ..$ colour : NULL
## ..$ size : NULL
## ..$ hjust : NULL
## ..$ vjust : NULL
## ..$ angle : num 90
## ..$ lineheight : NULL
## ..$ margin : NULL
## ..$ debug : NULL
## ..$ inherit.blank: logi TRUE
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "element_text" "element"
## - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "theme" "gg"
## - attr(*, "complete")= logi TRUE
## - attr(*, "validate")= logi TRUE