06 May, 2022
By: Murray Logan
This page can be found at the following URL:
Introduction to git and github
Introduction to reproducibility and Rmarkdown
Introduction to data wrangling in R
Introduction to the Grammar of Graphics in R
Generalized linear models
GLM from first principles (nearly)
Introduction to Generalized Additive Models (GAM)
Course introduction (pres1.html)
Introduction to git/github (pres19.1.html)
Introduction to reproducibility and Rmarkdown (pres19.3.html)
Introduction to data wrangling in R (pres2.4.html)
Introduction to the Grammar of Graphics R (pres5.2.html)
Introduction to the Generalized linear modeling (pres7.1.html)
More generalized linear modeling (pres7.2.html)
Generalized linear mixed models (pres11.html)
Generalized Additive Models (pres.8.html)
Regression Trees (pres9.html)
Bayesian linear modelling (pres10.html)
Intro to Multivariate (pres13.html)
Multivariate: R-mode (pres14.html)
Multivariate: Q-mode (pres15.html)