06 May, 2022

Linear models

Linear models

How maximize power?

Linear models

How maximize power?

  • increase replication
  • add covariates (account for conditions)
  • block (control conditions)

Hierarchical models

How do we increase power - without more sites (replicates)

Hierarchical models

Subreplicates - yet these are not independent

Nested design

Hierarchical models

How do we increase power…

Hierarchical models

Block treatments together - yet these are not independent

Randomized complete design

Hierarchical models

Linear modelling assumptions

  • Normality
  • Homogeneity of Variance
  • Linearity
  • Independence


  • one response is triggered by another
  • temporal/spatial autocorrelation
  • nested (hierarchical) design structures

Hierarchical models

  • linear model with separate covariance structure per block
  • fixed and random factors (effects)


#data.rcb <- read.csv('../data/data.rcb.csv')
##          y        x  block
## 1 281.1091 18.58561 Block1
## 2 295.6535 26.04867 Block1
## 3 328.3234 40.09974 Block1
## 4 360.1672 63.57455 Block1
## 5 276.7050 14.11774 Block1
## 6 348.9709 62.88728 Block1


ggplot(data.rcb, aes(y=y, x=x)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method='lm')


ggplot(data.rcb, aes(y=y, x=x,color=block))+geom_point()+


Simple linear regression - wrong

data.rcb.lm <- lm(y~x, data.rcb)
plot(residuals(data.rcb.lm) ~ data.rcb$block)


Simple ANCOVA - wrong

data.rcb.lm1 <- lm(y~x+block, data=data.rcb)
plot(residuals(data.rcb.lm1) ~ data.rcb$block)


  • Looks good, but for INDEPENDENCE
  • Can we deal with that with correlation structure?

\[ \text{Variance-covariance per Block:} \mathbf{V} = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2&\rho&\cdots&\rho\\ \rho&\sigma^2&\cdots&\vdots\\ \vdots&\cdots&\sigma^2&\vdots\\ \rho&\cdots&\cdots&\sigma^2\\ \end{pmatrix} \]

Linear mixed effects model

data.rcb.lme <- lme(y~x, random=~1|block, data.rcb, method='REML')

plot(residuals(data.rcb.lme, type='normalized') ~ fitted(data.rcb.lme))

plot(residuals(data.rcb.lme, type='normalized') ~ data.rcb$block)

Linear mixed effects model

## Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
##   Data: data.rcb 
##        AIC      BIC   logLik
##   458.9521 467.1938 -225.476
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~1 | block
##         (Intercept) Residual
## StdDev:    18.10888 8.905485
## Fixed effects:  y ~ x 
##                Value Std.Error DF  t-value p-value
## (Intercept) 232.8193  7.823393 53 29.75937       0
## x             1.4591  0.063789 53 22.87392       0
##  Correlation: 
##   (Intr)
## x -0.292
## Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
##         Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
## -2.09947262 -0.57994305 -0.04874031  0.56685096  2.49464217 
## Number of Observations: 60
## Number of Groups: 6

Linear mixed effects model

##             numDF denDF   F-value p-value
## (Intercept)     1    53 1452.2883  <.0001
## x               1    53  523.2164  <.0001
## Approximate 95% confidence intervals
##  Fixed effects:
##                  lower       est.      upper
## (Intercept) 217.127551 232.819291 248.511031
## x             1.331156   1.459101   1.587045
##  Random Effects:
##   Level: block 
##                    lower     est.    upper
## sd((Intercept)) 9.597555 18.10888 34.16822
##  Within-group standard error:
##     lower      est.     upper 
##  7.361788  8.905485 10.772879

Linear mixed effects model

## [1] 0.8052553 0.1947447

Linear mixed effects model

plot(allEffects(data.rcb.lme, partial.residuals=TRUE))

Linear mixed effects model

predict(data.rcb.lme, newdata=data.frame(x=30:40),level=0)
##  [1] 276.5923 278.0514 279.5105 280.9696 282.4287 283.8878 285.3469 286.8060
##  [9] 288.2651 289.7242 291.1833
## attr(,"label")
## [1] "Predicted values"

Linear mixed effects model

predict(data.rcb.lme, newdata=data.frame(x=30:40,
##   Block1   Block1   Block1   Block1   Block1   Block1   Block1   Block1 
## 302.7422 304.2013 305.6604 307.1195 308.5786 310.0377 311.4968 312.9559 
##   Block1   Block1   Block1 
## 314.4150 315.8741 317.3332 
## attr(,"label")
## [1] "Predicted values"

Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models

Parameter Estimation

lm –> LME
(integrate likelihood across all unobserved levels random effects)

Parameter Estimation

lm –> LME
(integrate likelihood across all unobserved levels random effects)

glm —-………–> GLMM
Not so easy - need to approximate

Parameter Estimation

  • Penalized quasi-likelihood

  • Laplace approximation

  • Gauss-Hermite quadrature

Penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL)

Iterative (re)weighting

  • LMM to estimate vcov structure
  • fixed effects estimated by fitting GLM (incorp vcov)
  • refit LMM to re-estimate vcov
  • cycle

Penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL)


  • relatively simple
  • leverage variance-covariance structures for heterogeneity and dependency structures


  • biased when expected values less <5
  • approximates likelihood (no AIC or LTR)

Laplace approximation

Second-order Taylor series expansion - to approximate likelihood at unobserved levels of random effects

Laplace approximation

Second-order Taylor series expansion - to approximate likelihood at unobserved levels of random effects


  • more accurate

Laplace approximation

Second-order Taylor series expansion - to approximate likelihood at unobserved levels of random effects


  • more accurate


  • slower
  • no way to incorporate vcov

Gauss-Hermite quadrature (GHQ)

  • approximates value of integrals at specific points (quadratures)
  • points (and weights) selected by optimizer

Gauss-Hermite quadrature (GHQ)

  • approximates value of integrals at specific points (quadratures)
  • points (and weights) selected by optimizer


  • even more accurate

Gauss-Hermite quadrature (GHQ)

  • approximates value of integrals at specific points (quadratures)
  • points (and weights) selected by optimizer


  • even more accurate


  • even slower
  • no way to incorporate vcov

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

  • recreate likelihood by sampling proportionally to likelihood

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

  • recreate likelihood by sampling proportionally to likelihood


  • very accurate (not an approximation)
  • very robust

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

  • recreate likelihood by sampling proportionally to likelihood


  • very accurate (not an approximation)
  • very robust


  • very slow
  • currently complex

Inference (hypothesis) testing


Depends on:

  • Estimation engine (PQL, Laplace, GHQ)
  • Overdispersed
  • Fixed or random factors

Inference (hypothesis) testing

ApproximationCharacteristicsAssociated inferenceR function
Penalized Quasi-likelihood (PQL) Fast and simple, accommodates heterogeneity and dependency structures, biased for small samples Wald tests only glmmPQL (MASS)
Laplace More accurate (less biased), slower, does not accommodates heterogeneity and dependency structures LRT glmer (lme4), glmmTMB (glmmTMB)
Gauss-Hermite quadrature Even more accurate (less biased), even slower, does not accommodates heterogeneity and dependency structures, cant handle more than 1 random effect LRT glmer (lme4)?? *Does not seem to work*
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Bayesian, very flexible and accurate, yet very slow and complex Bayesian credibility intervals, Bayesian P-values Numerous

Inference (hypothesis) testing

FeatureglmmPQL (MASS)glmer (lme4)glmmTMB (glmmTMB)MCMC
Variance and covariance structures Yes - not yet Yes
Overdispersed (Quasi) families Yes - - Yes
Mixture families limited limited some Yes
Complex nesting Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zero-inflation - - Yes Yes
Resid degrees of freedom Between-Within - - -
Parameter tests Wald $t$ Wald $z$ Wald $z$ UI
Marginal tests (fixed effects) Wald $F$, $\chi^2$ Wald $F$, $\chi^2$ Wald $F$, $\chi^2$ UI
Marginal tests (Random effects) Wald $F$,$\chi^2$ LRT LRT UI
Information criterion - AIC AIC AIC, WAIC

Inference (hypothesis) testing

Additional assumptions

  • dispersion
  • (multi)collinearity
  • design balance and Type III (marginal) SS
  • heteroscadacity
  • spatial/temporal autocorrelation