29 May, 2022

Frequentist vs Bayesian


  • P(D|H)
  • long-run frequency
  • relatively simple analytical methods to solve roots
  • conclusions pertain to data, not parameters or hypotheses
  • compared to theoretical distribution when NULL hypothesis is true
  • probability of obtaining observed data or MORE EXTREME data


  • P-value
    • probabulity of rejecting NULL
    • NOT a measure of the magnitude of an effect or degree of significance!
    • measure of whether the sample size is large enough
  • 95% CI
    • NOT about the parameter it is about the interval
    • does not tell you the range of values likely to contain the true mean

Frequentist vs Bayesian

                Frequentist          Bayesian  
--------------  ------------         ----------------
Probability     Long-run frequency   Degree of belief
                $P(D|H)$             $P(H|D)$

Parameters      Fixed, true          Random, 

Obs. data       One possible         Fixed, true

Inferences      Data                 Parameters


Frequentist vs Bayesian

n: 10
Slope: -0.1022
t: -2.3252
p: 0.0485

n: 10
Slope: -10.2318
t: -2.2115
p: 0.0579

n: 100
Slope: -10.4713
t: -6.6457
p: 1.7101362^{-9}

Frequentist vs Bayesian

Population A Population B
Percentage change 0.46 45.46
Prob. >5% decline 0 0.86

Bayesian Statistics


Bayes rule

\[ \begin{aligned} P(H\mid D) &= \frac{P(D\mid H) \times P(H)}{P(D)}\\[1em] \mathsf{posterior\\belief\\(probability)} &= \frac{likelihood \times \mathsf{prior~probability}}{\mathsf{normalizing~constant}} \end{aligned} \]


Bayes rule

\[ \begin{aligned} P(H\mid D) &= \frac{P(D\mid H) \times P(H)}{P(D)}\\ \mathsf{posterior\\belief\\(probability)} &= \frac{likelihood \times \mathsf{prior~probability}}{\mathsf{normalizing~constant}} \end{aligned} \]

The normalizing constant is required for probability - turn a frequency distribution into a probability distribution

Estimation: Likelihood

\(P(D\mid H)\)


  • conclusions pertain to hypotheses
  • computationally robust (sample size,balance,collinearity)
  • inferential flexibility - derive any number of inferences


  • subjectivity?

  • intractable \[P(H\mid D) = \frac{P(D\mid H) \times P(H)}{P(D)}\]

    \(P(D)\) - probability of data from all possible hypotheses

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • draw samples proportional to likelihood
  • two parameters \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)
  • infinitely vague priors - posterior likelihood only
  • likelihood multivariate normal

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • draw samples proportional to likelihood

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • draw samples proportional to likelihood

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • chain of samples

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • 1000 samples

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • 10,000 samples

MCMC sampling

Marchov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

  • Aim: samples reflect posterior frequency distribution
  • samples used to construct posterior prob. dist.
  • the sharper the multidimensional “features” - more samples
  • chain should have traversed entire posterior
  • inital location should not influence

MCMC diagnostics

Trace plots

MCMC diagnostics


  • Summary stats on non-independent values are biased
  • Thinning factor = 1

MCMC diagnostics


  • Summary stats on non-independent values are biased
  • Thinning factor = 10

MCMC diagnostics


  • Summary stats on non-independent values are biased
  • Thinning factor = 10, n=10,000

MCMC diagnostics

Plot of Distributions

Sampler types

Sampler types


Sampler types



  • thinning
  • burnin (warmup)
  • chains

Bayesian software (for R)

  • MCMCpack
  • winbugs (R2winbugs)
  • jags (R2jags)
  • stan (rstan, rstanarm, brms)

Bayesian software (for R)